Blender > .3dp import/export script.

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Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

Just had a brainwave. Rather than waiting for CoDEmanX to feel like fixing something for us, I took a look at some of the Blender Noob to Pro tutorials and found a solution to two of the last niggles with the existing script.

The first niggle was that it just named any imported .3dp's as imported_3dp, imported_3dp.001, imported_3dp.002, etc. This was a nuisance since it meant you had to rename them all after importing, and it wasn't clear what was what until you selected the object and took a look at what it was doing on the model. You could also import the same one twice by mistake, and it would just show as one of the many imported_3dp.00* on the list.

So, reading one of the basic tuts on import scripts shows how that script did it, so that any new imported objects would have the same name as the file they came from. It only required a very slight adaption to fit our .3dp import script (uses a different variable name) and it works perfectly. Any file you import will be given the correct name. If you import ClassY6L_Body.3dp it will now automatically appear on your objects list as ClassY6L_Body.3dp.

This totally rocks. (0!!0)

The second niggle was that the script would export every object in the .blend, regardless of the layer it was on, or whether it was hidden, or whatever. I've managed to fix that too. It will now only export objects you select. There is no longer any need to delete objects you don't want to export. This saves a lot of merging and deleting before exporting, and a lot of Ctrl+Z'ing to step backwards after you've just exported something.

This also totally rocks. ::!**!

So, I've just updated the earlier post with the latest version in a new zip. The base .blend file is the same. Only the Python script has changed.

I've also deleted one of my desktop shortcuts, which was included in the previous zip by mistake. *!*!*!

Pic shows WP&P's famous N&W Y6 2-8-8-2 imported into Blender. All components, correctly named and skinned. Took about five minutes. Well, maybe ten, but it felt like five and I wasn't rushing.
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

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Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

I'm curious. Why do you use the img tags for the images you post instead of placing them inline?
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Because that way you can see them without having to load a new page. Saves time and effort. TBH that's one of phpBB's quirks that I find annoying. It must be about the only software that doesn't let you really do inline images. Hey ho.
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

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Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

It's not phpBB so much as it's my settings. By setting images to show as thumbnails, it allows users to attach bigger images.
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Well it's personal preference I suppose, but to my mind setting that thumbnail limit effectively makes the inline option completely pointless, because all you end up with is an "inline" thumbnail that still requires reloading the page to see it. So that makes it no different, in reality, to just leaving it as a standard attachment and not bothering about the inline thing. **!!!**

If they are full width in the post they will still fit on anyone's screen, and they will be large enough that you will be able to see sufficient detail without any extra effort. !#2bits#!
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

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Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

Gumboots wrote:Well it's personal preference I suppose,
Fair 'nuff.
Just Crazy Jim

Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

Gumboots wrote:To install the script into Blender, copy it to the C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.74\scripts folder. Then fire up Blender, go into user preferences > add ons, find the script in the list, and enable it.
Strangely enough, my install doesn't have a 2.74 or scripts folder. So I made them and added them.

Now, I am staring at the User preferences... and, well... there's nothing I am seeing here that lines up with "add ons"
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Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

That's an installation of Blender 2.49, which is way out of date and which I have never used, so can't help with. I know the script works with 2.74, which is what was current at the time. You can get it here:

They're now up to 2.78a (and yes it is stable despite the "a" that you might think indicates an alpha). I haven't tried playing with that, so do not know if the script will work with it. I'm currently on a roll with modelling and not inclined to experiment with GUI changes. ;-)
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

LMR Samson 0-4-0 - Pennsy H3 Consolidation - Custom double tank cars set
Just Crazy Jim

Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

I understand, I am already certain that Blender and I will not be friends. I had forgotten how much I hated Blender. This effort has constantly reminded me that Milkshape 3D is 10, maybe even 100, times more user-friendly.
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Re: Blender > .3dp import/export script. Unread post

How many hours have you spent using Blender? I hated it the first few times I tried playing with it. I'm fine with it now, and have been for quite a while. AFAICT the main problem with it is that it is so capable that it includes a lot of stuff we'll never want, and which consequently gets in the way sometimes. So if you stripped it back to "only stuff that mugs will use for RT3" then yes, it would be less intimidating at first, but OTOH it would never have been developed and supported to the current level.

Anyway, don't psyche yourself into a position of "Blender is horrible it wants to kill me and I'll never get the hang of it". It's really pretty good, and not that hard to pick up. (0!!0)
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

LMR Samson 0-4-0 - Pennsy H3 Consolidation - Custom double tank cars set
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