A few small changes.

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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Oh yeah, you have to enter a couple of line breaks after an inline image attachment. Still eats it if you only put one. The normal two is ok (only eats the first one).
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

LMR Samson 0-4-0 - Pennsy H3 Consolidation - Custom double tank cars set
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Ah ok. Why does my image show the details, but yours don't? Also, maybe it's nothing but in full preview mode, carriage returns are not displaying correctly for me. Idk why.

ETA: it seem to be that if I place some returns in quick preview/edit, those don't transfer into the full editor.
Last edited by RulerofRails on Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

I added another return. Seems there is some weird wrapping going on with the details.
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

If you throw in the attachment and then two returns it should work. The weird thing with the details may be because that image is too small to get ligttboxed, so it somehow just bungs everything up there. Not sure. Haven't seen that before (have never put a small image inline). I'll try one now.
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

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trashcan_empty.png (15.59 KiB) Viewed 1283 times
gnome-mime-x-directory-nfs-server.png (6.7 KiB) Viewed 1281 times
(2.89 KiB) Downloaded 58 times
Ut in egestas dui. Nullam ac dui a purus ultricies cursus. Donec ac aliquet tellus. Donec pretium, elit et mollis aliquam, massa tortor egestas felis, malesuada hendrerit tortor lacus vitae diam. In sed fringilla arcu. Proin lacinia ex sit amet magna efficitur commodo. Mauris aliquet massa eget enim finibus hendrerit.
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Yup. it's keeping the details on images that are too small for lightboxing (ie: <290px) but entering two returns after the inline attachment works. IOW, having two clear lines when viewing the post content in the editor. I'll see if I can find a way to stop it eating the first return. In the meantime I can add a CSS fix to hide the details with small inline attachments.
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

LMR Samson 0-4-0 - Pennsy H3 Consolidation - Custom double tank cars set
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Some time ago........... Unread post

rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg

Ah ok.

rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg
rt3 GoG original 2018-09-17 20-45-55-82.jpg

No details here now. Looks fine from what I can see though. !*th_up*! Are you happy with location of online status and post topic for the Left-hand poster details format? To me online could be near someone's name or does that look odd here? Post topic is probably best on the right. It's funny how I can change it to whatever I want. :lol:
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

The reason you aren't getting details now is those images are big enough to get lightboxed. The details still appear on images with a native size of <290px.
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Oh yeah: online status can go anywhere and be styled any one of umpteen ways. It's still on the default at the moment. I like the topic off to the right because most of the time you don't need it. It's only occasionally you'll forget which thread you're in, so you can give it a quick glance then. Rest of the time it's not getting in the way of the flow of the page, which I think is best.
Gumbootz Lokomotivfabrik und Bierkeller

LMR Samson 0-4-0 - Pennsy H3 Consolidation - Custom double tank cars set
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Re: A few small changes. Unread post

Ok. Sounds good. I'm out for now.
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