New Feature Idea - Level/raise land

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Would you like the ability to raise, lower and level land as in "in game" feature

Yes! Great idea.
No way, and keep any future ideas to yourself.
Total votes: 26


Re: New Feature Idea - Level/raise land Post

There is a way around this problem even while in game right now. First you'll want to pause the game but you can use SHIFT + E to essentially enter the editor back door while in mid game play (in single player) then you can grade the terrain then SHIFT + E to get back into the game economy and regular game play and even when switched back to regular game play you'll save your changes in the regular save game file and as long as you've left editor mode it will leave no changes to the original map. Yeah it's sort of hacky and it would be pretty odd to use the editor to your advantage but the truth is sometimes when your track looks terrible and you need to smooth it out using the editor tools to fix things around the track and get rid of that "lumpy bumpy" non sense that plagues all users in RT3. Grading routes through steep mountain routes can be a fun challenge I'll go through mountains and see what's the minimalist amount of terrain modification I can do while keeping grades under 3. Tunnels can also be set up better by leveling the terrain right before a big mountain so your tunnel won't be all funky and steep in the front.

I do get what you mean though a "paid" terrain grader like what's seen in SimCity would be a lot better because in all reality its not free to level the terrain. One way to get around this "free leveling" is to set up the scenario to have more expensive mountainous track building (to offset the cost of free leveling done within the editor) In all honesty most real world tracks rarely exceed 2.5 grade. On extreme rare occasions its sometimes 3.0 or 3.5. So its ridiculous the game doesn't automatically stop you from building track that exceeds 4.5 in any circumstance or least auto level the terrain when track laying. The steepest grade in the USA is Saluda grade at 4.7 and it's really the only track like that and as far as I know its been closed down.

Re: New Feature Idea - Level/raise land Post

I agree with this as long as this tool is within what is a constructive reality.
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Re: New Feature Idea - Level/raise land Post

Not a reply, but just an extra thought. Have you ever noticed entering a tunnel (when building) at one altitude and come out the other side at a much much greater height. Question, at what grade (3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 etc ) does the game program determine the point of exiting the mountain?
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Re: New Feature Idea - Level/raise land Post

I have a theory that it was coded to deliberately choose the most inconvenient grade possible under the circumstances. This seems to fit with the observed behaviour. :-D

I'll use the editor to smooth out lumps caused by building placement, or if I see any broken rivers or similar things during play. Otherwise I just find a way to lay track how I want it. I quite enjoy a bit of a track laying challenge. It's boring when you can just go in a straight line to every city.

If you want to flatten an area and don't want to use the editor, post offices are the standard trick. That way you have to pay something for your "earthworks", so it doesn't feel like a cheat so much. They will only flatten things though, and will not do smoothing.

Edit: Oh and if I'm at the stage of the game where cash isn't an issue, I have also used hotels or whatever else to flatten lumps. They cost more per unit, but have a bigger footprint so you need fewer of them if you are doing a lot of flattening. You can use any building you like, really.
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Re: New Feature Idea - Level/raise land Post

IIRC the effect of seeded buildings on the terrain was lessened by one of the patches, so imagine how bad it used to be. !*00*!

The Post Office is an old trick which works. IMO, what is probably most powerful is the Maintenance shed. The caveat here is that once any station or service facility is placed, that exact spot is occupied for ever. I found this out the hard way. You can still level entire cells with it though, it can be a problem if you were doing that to build a Steel Mill etc. there.

I don't enjoy going to the editor and grading/smoothing, that's just too tedious for me. My routes don't have to be that perfect to maintain my belief in their "reality." I will however consider going in there on the very rare occasion that I placed a station that I wasn't expecting to jump height: it has insane grades on the approach/es. There are two options I prefer over using Shift+E: save the game first so revert OR use a service tower to "hold" the track level by being placed just a little way away from where the station will be built. If I know it might be a problem, most of the time I save myself the trouble. It's just the rare ones that catch me out. Actually, the service tower trick is very useful to get decent approaches for maintenance sheds too.

There is the option of the "Terrain Leveler" which may have been formulated partly as a result of this thread (similar vintage). This is a very cheap "building" that is really more of a "smoother" than a leveler. I would agree with comments that it's too cheap. In practice it can only do so much, that's why I call it a "smoother." You can find it on this page: ... ctures.htm.
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